Moving from school, college or university can feel like a massive change. The style of learning is likely to feel quite different. You’re in unfamiliar settings with unfamiliar systems and staff. Often you have to make new friends and start a completely new social life.
Life changes like this can have a big impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. It’s really important to plan ahead, and to stay connected to people who support you, and to access support services if needed.
Starting somewhere new won’t always be perfect but give it time. Be kind to yourself. Just remember this is a brilliant opportunity. It can be great fun meeting new people and learning new things about yourself.
If you need support for your mental health while you’re studying in Neath Port Talbot or Swansea, there are a few options. First, make sure you’re registered with a local GP. Further info is available on the Swansea University Health Board website:
Read about services available for young people in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea INSERT LINK or scroll down to find out what support your college/University has on offer.
If you are still unsure about what you want to do Careers Wales can help. Contact them on 0800 028 4844 or click
NPTC College Group have an useful website with a student zone, with information on how you can access services.
Learn more about what student life has to offer at Gower College including what support is available – look for pastoral care.
There are many support services available to you at Swansea University. We want to support you in getting the most from your studies and personal life, whilst you’re here and after you graduate.
Take a look at what the University of Wales Trinity Saint David are doing to support student wellbeing.