Most people would struggle to live without the internet and their mobile/smartphones – it provides us with lots of fun and interesting things to do, it’s also a great way to keep in touch with friends.
But it’s not always easy to know what’s safe information and what’s not.
Sometimes you can be tricked into clicking dangerous or harmful links or share things about yourself that make you uncomfortable. Sometimes things that you’ve shared in a message or on social media might then be used to frighten or bully you.
The UK Safer Internet Centre’s website contains online safety tips, advice and resources for parents and carers, young people aged 7-11, 11-14 and 14-18 and professionals, to help children and young people stay safe online.
An online safety helpline is also available for professionals supporting children and young people, with any online safety issue they may be having.
CEOP Education provides online safety education brought to you by the National Crime Agency.
With interactive activities, specially designed content and videos for 4-7 and 8-10 year-olds you can watch with your child/children, to content tailored for young people aged 11-18 and parents, carers and professionals, you’ll find a wealth of resources about helping children and young people stay safe online whether they’re on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Having a mobile phone and going online is great for lots of reasons. But it’s important to be aware of the dangers too.
Learn how to stay safe online.
Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and internet safely and smartly.
This episode entitled ‘How Smartphones Are Rewiring Our Brains, Why Social Media is Eradicating Childhood & The Truth About The Mental Health Epidemic with Jonathan Haidt’ explores how the fundamental differences between online and real-world interactions are affecting young people’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.