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Does your child need extra support?

If your child has special educational needs or disability they are likely to require additional support. It’s also important to remember that parents, carers and siblings of children with a special education need or disability may also need practical or emotional help to assist them too.

Local Information

Community Paediatric Service

Support is available through the Swansea Bay University Health Board’s (SBUHB’s) Community Paediatric Service for children and young people living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.

The specialist community paediatric service aims to promote the health and welfare of children and young people (0-16 years, and up to 19 years in some circumstances).

It is a specialist child health assessment and diagnostic service staffed by specialist child health doctors, in conjunction with therapy and nursing staff.

Speak to your GP or health visitor first if you have concerns about your child or the child you care for  and they will decide if referral into our services is appropriate.

Visit the Community Paediatric Service

Children and Young People’s Therapy Services, SBUHB

Children and Young People’s Therapy Services include Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) and Nutrition and Dietetics. Our services are delivered across the Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB), which covers Swansea and Neath Port Talbot (NPT).

We provide a service for children and young people from birth to their 19th birthday.

Services are delivered from the Neath Port Talbot Children’s Centre based at Neath Port Talbot Hospital and also from Hafan y Mor the one stop shop for children with additional needs, based at Singleton Hospital in Swansea.

Neath Port Talbot Children’s Centre:

Tel: 01639 862713

Hafan y Mor:

Tel: 01792 200400

Visit Children and Young People’s Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy (SBUHB)

Occupational Therapist’s (OTs) work with children and young people who have difficulties with daily activities e.g. going to the park, scribbling and drawing, playing with toys, getting dressed, or having a bath.

OTs help children and young people to carry out activities they need or want to do in areas of self-care, school work and play. The aim is to support children to learn new skills to help them become more independent. They do this together with the parent, child, teacher or other professionals the child may be known to.

Parents, family members, children’s teachers or other professionals working with children can refer. Follow the link below to access the referral forms.

Visit Occupational Therapy Services

Swansea Council – Identifying Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

If you are concerned that your child / young person has an additional need or learning difficulty that may be impacting upon their learning, it is important to raise this concern with the school / college.

For children too young to attend school speak to your health visitor whose contact number can be found in your child’s health visitor red book.

Swansea Council provides further information in the link below.

Or to contact Swansea Council’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC), the front door for advice and support for children, young people, families, their networks and others who support them:

Tel: 01792 635700

Visit Swansea Council

Swansea Council – ALN Speech and Language Difficulties

Swansea Council provides some general signs that could indicate your child / young person has a speech and language difficulty and how to access support.

Further information on the speech, language and communications difficulties services can be found here.

Or to contact Swansea Council’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC), the front door for advice and support for children, young people, families, their networks and others who support them:

Tel: 01792 635700

Visit Swansea Council

Swansea Council – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Swansea Council has developed a guide aiming to support parents and carers of children and young people who they think may be autistic, are awaiting an autism assessment, or have a diagnosis of autism.

Further information can be found on the Swansea Council website including details of organisations, training and resources.

To contact Swansea Council’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC), the front door for advice and support for children, young people, families, their networks and others who support them:

Tel: 01792 635700


Visit Swansea Council

Swansea Council – Multi-Sensory Impairment

Children and young people with Multi-sensory Impairment (MSI) have impairments of both sight and hearing. Many children / young people also face other challenges, such as medical conditions or physical disabilities.

Swansea Council have put together some general signs.

Or to contact Swansea Council’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC), the front door for advice and support for children, young people, families, their networks and others who support them:

Tel: 01792 635700

Visit Swansea Council

Swansea Parent Carer Forum – For Parent Carers in Swansea

SPCF aims to achieve an equitable and inclusive quality of life for our children of all ages by:

  • Ensuring the voices of families are valued and listened to.
  • Feeding the voice of parent carers into decision making and feeding back to parent carers.
  • Sitting on working groups with the Local Authority, Health Board and West Glamorgan Regional Partnership.
  • Arranging valuable training for parent carers.

For more information visit the link below or email SPCF with your query:

Email: info@swanseapcf.org

Visit Swansea Parent Carer Forum

NPT Council – Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

NPT Council provide information for Parents and Carers on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and the ALN System.

Visit the link below for further information, or for help, advice and support contact the Single Point of Contact, the front door for early support:

Tel: 01639 686802

Email: spoc@npt.gov.uk

Visit NPT Council

NPT Council – Support for Learning Service

The Support for Learning service comprises of the following teams:

  • Learning Difficulties (LD)
  • Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties (SpLCD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Hearing Impairment (HI)
  • Visual Impairment (VI)
  • Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)

Should you wish to access our service for your child, please discuss with the school’s Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo).

Visit the link below to find out further information.

Visit NPT Council

Community Advice Listening Line (CALL)

If you have worries or concerns relating to Neurodiversity, the team at CALL are here to
offer emotional support via our helpline. Whether you are calling on behalf of yourself, a friend, about your child, or family member, CALL are here to listen. CALL offers emotional support, listening support, can signpost to Wales wide services, local services, and can send out literature.

No formal diagnosis is necessary to access the CALL Helpline, you may already be on a waiting list for diagnosis or you may think you, your child, or loved one may have a neurodivergent condition.

For help:

Tel: 0800 132 737available 24/7.

Text: Help to 81066 also 24/7.

CALL Neurodiversity Service

Local Services


Interplay provides integrated play, leisure and social opportunities for young people aged 2-25 years with additional support needs.

Our early years project is open to children who find it difficult to engage in play in mainstream settings and for their siblings (aged 4-11).

We also run a project for children aged 12-18 years old to provide support for young people with disabilities or additional needs to access social and leisure opportunities, access new experiences, grow in confidence, and learn valuable social and independence skills that they will need in adult life. Interplay also runs school holiday activities.

A contact form is available on the website or call on:

Tel: 01792 561119



SNAP Cymru

SNAP Cymru supports families and professionals to ensure that young people actively participate in planning and decision-making processes. We advocate for those facing challenges related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and other barriers to inclusion. For those in Neath Port Talbot, support can be accessed through our telephone helpline or direct referrals.

In Swansea, we offer comprehensive support through our telephone helpline and accept referrals from health professionals and education providers. Our casework and specialist disagreement resolution, typically involving cases of discrimination due to health needs affecting education, are key aspects of our work.

Call their helpline: 0808 801 0608

SNAP Cymru

Joining the Dots

Parent Carers is a vibrant online community of parent carers of a child, young person or adult with additional needs. It’s a place for parent carers and families to connect and share practical advice as they navigate services. It is a supportive forum to ask advice relating to health, social care, education and the practicalities and challenges of everyday life.

Email: jtdtogether@gmail.com

To join the parent and carer Facebook group click the button below.

Visit Join the Dots

Swansea Carers Centre – Parent Carers

Swansea Carers Centre provides support for carers in Swansea, regardless of your age or who you support. We also provide group support to parent-carers of young people aged 14 – 25 with a disability or illness who are moving from child to adult services in Swansea.

Tel: 01792 653344

Email: admin@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk

Swansea Carers Centre

Neath Port Talbot Carers Service

Neath Port Talbot Carers Service focuses on supporting unpaid carers in Neath and Port Talbot. Offering counselling, carers assessments, advice and guidance.

Further information can be found at the link below or call or email on:

Tel: 01639 642277 Monday – Friday: 09:00am – 4:30pm

Email: information@nptcarers.org.uk

Visit Neath Port Talbot Carers Service

Mixtup – Swansea

A youth club in Swansea for 11 – 25 year olds with mixed abilities. Mixtup also provide opportunities for trips, activities and support for members. We help young people to have fun, make friends, try new activities and to grow in confidence and self-esteem, all in a safe and stimulating setting.

To find out more or get in touch:

Tel: 07543 273891

Email: mixtupswansea@gmail.com

Mixtup Facebook Page

Resolven Building Blocks

Based in the Neath Valley providing family support services for families, children and young people who are at a disadvantage.

We do this by providing a number of services such as:

  • Family advice and support
  • Workshops and training in parenting and other life skills
  • Youth forum training young people on their rights along with a range of other community based services

Tel: 01639 710076

Email: office@buildingblocksfamilycentre.co.uk

Visit Resolven Building Blocks

Support Additional Needs – S.A.N. Neath and District

SAN Neath and district is a volunteering group of parent/carers supporting families with loved ones with additional needs. We meet weekly providing coffee mornings, guest speakers, education, health and wellbeing. Also several family events throughout the year.

Visit S.A.N. Facebook Page

Action for Children’s Positive Outcome Play Services (POPS)

POPS supports children and young people with disabilities from birth to 18-years-old across Neath Port Talbot (NPT) and Swansea.

We provide opportunities for children with a variety of disabilities, additional needs and challenging behaviours, to have fun while developing their social, communication and practical life skills. Visit the link below to find out more.

Action for Children’s POPS

African Community Centre (ACC) – Carer’s Journey

If you’re an unpaid young carer or care for a family member and you live in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot the ACC is here to support you with:

  • Free transport – for appointments, shopping trips, activities, days out.
  • One-to-one counselling – with qualified professionals and therapists.
  • Welfare and social activities – swimming, cinema, spa days etc…
  • Training

Open to everyone, all ethnicities and all ages. To find out more or get in touch:

Tel: 0330 229 2995 / 07826 596900

Email: edith@africancommunitycentre.org.uk

African Community Centre

Useful Information and National Support

National Autistic Society – Mental health experiences of autistic teenagers modules

Written and designed by autistic people and other autism specialists these resources are aimed at professionals, parents and carers who are supporting autistic young people aged from 13 to 18 years old. These online and on-demand free resources and eLearning modules will help you:

  • Explore autistic teenagers’ mental health experiences
  • Practical strategies for support

NAS E-learning

Easy read guide to mental health

This guide by Learning Disability Wales was made to help people with learning disabilities learn about mental health and how to look after their mental health and well-being.

Easy read guide to mental health

Anna Freud – Lets talk about anxiety animation

This animation is designed to help students aged 11 to 13 to normalise, understand and manage anxious feelings. Visit the Anna Freud YouTube Channel to find more videos about children and young people and mental health or visit the website for more helpful resources including information on supporting neurodiverse children and young people.

Watch the ‘Lets talk about anxiety animation’

Learning disabilities and mental health

EasyRead version of Nice guidelines, helping people with learning disabilities who have a mental health problem.

Nice guidelines


Content from people who learn and think differently. Learn from people with differences like ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, anxiety and more. Hear their advice for how to thrive in school, work and life.



Autisica have collaborated with researchers, clinicians and community members to create a new mental health resource. It will help service providers, such as helpline workers, to better support autistic children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis.


National Autistic Society

A support network and growing community of autistic people, parents/carers and their family and friends. Whether a person is diagnosed, on the pathway or suspect autism, they are very welcome to join the charity and access support, advice, appropriate and enjoyable events, courses and workshops.

National Autistic Society

National Deaf Children’s Society

Support to deaf children and their families to overcome barriers that they may face. Available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

Call their helpline: 0808 800 8880

Text: 0786 00 22 888.

You can also contact them using BSL by making a free video call with a BSL interpreter.

National Deaf Children’s Society

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation aims to improve the life opportunities and quality of life for people with severe learning disabilities and their families. We are the only UK charity specifically focussed on the needs of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour may be described as challenging, and their families.

Our website contains information and guidance and we also support family carers via our family support service, informal peer support groups, support calls and our online forum.


Email: support@thecbf.org.uk

Telephone: 0300 666 0126

Visit The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Support for Sibling Carers


A UK charity representing the needs of siblings (brothers or sisters) of disabled people, who often have a lifelong need for information, often experiencing social and emotional isolation, and having to cope with difficult situations.

Sibs provides:

  • Information and tips on a range of topics
  • Sibling advisors to answer any questions young sibling carers have about sibling issues.
  • Information and advice for parents and carers and professionals

Click on the button below to find out more.


Swansea Young Carers Service

YMCA Swansea provides tailored support to Young Carers aged 8-18 who may provide care for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health condition and/or dependency on substance use.

YMCA Swansea aims to identify and provide appropriate support to all Young Carers. We offer:

  • Weekly Young Carers Club during term time
  • Trips and activities for young carers in the holidays
  • Family activities, trips and workshops
  • Young Carers Forum
  •  Youth Led digital project 

You can contact us directly to come along or parents and carers or professionals can request a referral form from us.

Tel: 01792 652032
Email: info@ymcaswansea.org.uk

YMCA Swansea

Swansea Young Adult Carers

We give Young Adult Carers a chance to meet with others of a similar situation, opportunity to learn new things, and most importantly to give them a well-deserved break from their caring roles. The Young Adult Carers project offers:

  • 1-2-1 holistic and tailored support (face to face, over the phone or online)
  • Trips, activities and opportunities
  • Help with applications, CVs and provide support in finding courses, jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities.

If you would like to get involved or have a young person who would benefit from the project, please contact:

Tel: 01792 653344


Swansea Carers Centre

NPT – Young Carers Service

The Neath Port Talbot Young Carers Service offers a range of support to children and young people up to the age of 25, who have a caring role at home. You have the choice to choose which provision you access as the Carers Services provides provision for carers over the age of 18.

The Young Carers Service offers:-

  • 1-2-1 youth work support tailored to the individual young carer to best meets their needs
  • Opportunities for young carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, spend time with other young carers, learn and have fun
  • Support for important transition periods, including the transition from young carers service to adult carers service
  • Advocacy within schools, colleges and other relevant organisations so that professionals can better support the children and young people they work with
  • Information, advice and assistance to the whole family to identify the services and support they need.

For further information about how to access the Young Cares Service, contact the NPT Single Point of Contact the front door for advice and support for children, young people, families, their networks and others who support them:

Tel: 01639 686802


Visit NPT Council

African Community Centre (ACC) – Carers Journey

If you’re an unpaid young carer or care for a family member and live in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot the ACC is here to support you with:

  • Free transport – for appointments, shopping trips, activities, days out.
  • One-to-one counselling – with qualified professionals and therapists.
  • Welfare and social activities – swimming, cinema, spa days etc…
  • Training

Open to everyone, all ethnicities and all ages. To find out more or get in touch:

Tel: 0330 229 2995 / 07826 596900

Email: edith@africancommunitycentre.org.uk

African Community Centre