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Training for Professionals

There’s a range of training opportunities for professionals wishing to support people with mental health and emotional wellbeing. Many are sector-specific or bespoke to particular professionals. Take a look at the following pages to see what’s available.

General training +

  • Adenydd – With Adenydd, you can help kids overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences. If you’re a parent, teacher or practitioner, we’ll provide the tools to help children live happier and successful futures. We offer sensory regulation training online or face-to-face training as a ‘closed’ course, i.e. just for your school, service or setting. We also offer tailored consultations for schools, services and families seeking support and guidance for their children. Web: https://adenydd.org/
  • Mind – Do you want to be there for someone, but feel unsure what to say? Our free Conversations in the Community course can help. You’ll build confidence in how to have conversations about mental health and wellbeing, to be there for others in your community. Web: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helping-someone-else/conversations-in-the-community/
  • Platfform 4YP – Provides counselling and wellbeing support to children and young people within Swansea schools and those educated at home. Additionally, Platfform deliver the State of Mind 6-week wellbeing course in schools to children aged 10 – 16 which can lead to participating pupils training as peer mentors. Platfform is also developing bespoke training and workshops for school staff and families. Further information is available at www.platfform4YP.org. Contact lisarouse@platfform.org with any queries.
  • UK Trauma Council’s Childhood Trauma, Migration and Asylum: Toolkits for Professionals – free evidence-based, co-produced resources to help children and young people affected by war, migration and asylum as well as the professionals supporting them in both educational and community settings. Web: https://uktraumacouncil.org/resources/childhood-trauma-migration-asylum
  • Voice Collective – is a UK-wide London-based project that supports children and young people who hear voices, see visions, or have other ‘unusual’ sensory experiences or beliefs. We also offer support for parents/families, and training for youth workers, social workers, mental health professionals and other supporters. Web:http://www.voicecollective.co.uk
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid – the 14-hour YMHFA (Wales) course teaches adults how to provide Mental Health First Aid to friends, families and co-workers. Web: https://mhfawales.org/mhfa-training/

Training for schools +

  • Adenydd – With Adenydd, you can help kids overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences. If you’re a parent, teacher or practitioner, we’ll provide the tools to help children live happier and successful futures. We offer sensory regulation training online or face-to-face training as a ‘closed’ course, i.e. just for your school, service or setting. We also offer tailored consultations for schools, services and families seeking support and guidance for their children. Web: https://adenydd.org/
  • Boing Boing – provides opportunities to learn about resilience. Web: https://www.boingboing.org.uk/
  • Childline Schools Service NSPCC – provides a free service talking to primary school children about abuse in all its forms. The delivery model is in two stages. Web: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/childlineschoolsservice
  • Coram’s Mental Wellbeing Toolkit – a trove of teaching activities for primary school children based on the framework of the evidence-led New Economics Foundation and NHS five steps to mental wellbeing. Web: https://coramlifeeducation.org.uk/scarf-mental-health-toolkit
  • Cruse Bereavement Hope Again – trains and equips the school by getting it ‘bereavement ready’. They have specialist school packs and training for staff. Tel: 01792 462845. Web: https://www.hopeagain.org.uk/
  • DARPL – Guides, toolkits and professional bite-sized learning for those working in education to develop an understanding and development of anti-racist practice. The professional learning has been developed to take into consideration the different roles of those working in educational settings and is tailored to support that. Web: https://darpl.org/#div_block-39-250
  • Hafal’s ‘Bloom’ – free programme supporting young people’s mental health resilience. Delivered in schools and colleges, they work with young people aged 14-18 to help them develop the tools and knowledge to manage their own mental health through life’s transitions. Web:https://mentalhealth-uk.org/partnerships/projects/bloom/
  • Hafan Cymru’s Spectrum Project –  raising awareness of domestic abuse and associated issues in all secondary and primary schools in Wales. Tel: 01267 266924
  • Heads Above the Waves – a not-for-profit organisation that raises awareness of depression and self-harm in young people. Can deliver workshops for schools. Web: https://hatw.co.uk/
  • Mentally Healthy Schools – brings togethers quality assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote children’s mental health and wellbeing. Web: https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/
  • Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) – a charity that aims to inform, create, train and support the teaching of secular mindfulness to young people and those who care for them. paws.b is a 12- session mindfulness course for primary schools. Web: https://mindfulnessinschools.org/
  • Place2Be – a children’s mental health charity providing school-based support and in-depth training programme to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and school staff. Web: https://www.place2be.org.uk/
  • Platfform 4YP – Provides counselling and wellbeing support to children and young people within Swansea schools and those educated at home. Additionally, Platfform deliver the State of Mind 6-week wellbeing course in schools to children aged 10 – 16 which can lead to participating pupils training as peer mentors. Platfform is also developing bespoke training and workshops for school staff and families. Further information is available at www.platfform4YP.org. Contact lisarouse@platfform.org with any queries.
  • Trauma Informed Schools UK – provides training for schools to support children and teenagers who suffer with trauma or mental health problems, and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning. Web:https://www.traumainformedschools.co.uk/what-is-a-trauma-informed-school
  • Twinkle – Mental health resources. Web: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/ Search for mental health.
  • UK Trauma Council’s Childhood Trauma, Migration and Asylum: Toolkits for Professionals – free evidence based, co-produced resources to help children and young people affected by war, migration and asylum as well as the professionals supporting them in both educational and community settings. Web: https://uktraumacouncil.org/resources/childhood-trauma-migration-asylum
  • YMCA Swansea – provides PSE raising awareness sessions in schools across Swansea to raise awareness of the issues that young carers face in primary, comprehensive and colleges. Email: egiya@ymcaswansea.org.uk

Training for the voluntary sector +

Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) and Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service (NPT CVS) are the umbrella organisations for voluntary activity throughout Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. They support, develop  and represent voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities across the region.

They can assist organisations to access appropriate training to ensure that professionals develop and update their skills, knowledge and confidence.