Lots of pupils get support from their school when they’re struggling or everything feels too much. You can speak to any staff member who you feel comfortable talking with about anything that’s bothering you. This can be something that’s school-related or something that’s happening outside of school.
Wellbeing is a key focus for all our schools. Although they may all have slightly different structures whether it’s your form tutor, head of year, pastoral support, class teacher or head teacher, you can rest assured that all staff will do their best to help you.
In Neath Port Talbot and Swansea, schools have a range of services based within schools that can support you. This includes Cynnydd youth engagement workers and school based counsellors. If schools need additional support from professionals to meet your needs, they can access this. Talk to a member of staff to find out more or click on the links below.
Learn more about the support available for children and young people, including the school-based counselling service.
Contact details for Swansea Schools, and the support available for children and young people.
Swansea Educational Psychology Service is concerned with the development, learning, achievement and wellbeing of children and young people.