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Swansea – Education, Training and Employment

Pathways to Work

If you’re aged 16+ and are unemployed or economically inactive we can help you to find work. We work with a number of delivery partners and can help you find the best fit for your situation.

To self-refer or find out more information contact us:

Tel: 01792 637112

Email: pathwaystowork@swansea.gov.uk

Cyfle Cymru – Peer Mentoring

Helping people aged 16-24 with substance misuse issues and/or mental health conditions develop confidence and access training, qualifications and work experience.

Tel: 0300 777 2256

Email: ask@cyflecymru.com

Cyfle Cymru

Careers Wales

Once you turn 16 Careers Wales can help you to plan your career, prepare to get a job, and find and apply for the right apprenticeships, courses and training. Contact us for further support or for careers advice:

Tel: 0800 028 4844

Email: post@careerswales.gov.wales

Webchat: 9am to 5pm (Mon-Thurs), 9am to 4:30pm (Fridays).

Visit Careers Wales

Swansea MAD

Swansea MAD (Music, Art, Digital), offer free support for 16-24 year olds who are looking to improve their digital skills and get into employment.

Tel: 01792 648420 / 07956 391865

Email: contact@madswansea.com

Swansea MAD