The Health Board’s services for supporting children and young people include sexual health and mental health services. For access to these services, check out the Health Board website. You’ll also find a few of them listed below.
Sexual health services are free and available to everyone.
Call 0300 555 0279. Your details will be taken and you’ll then receive a telephone call from a nurse or doctor.
If you prefer, you can opt for a video consultation.
CAMHS supports young people with difficulties, such as depression, self-harm, violence or anger, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, problems with food and anxiety, among many others.
Telephone: 01639 862744 (Monday to Friday – 9am – 5pm).
Every school in Swansea Bay University Health Board has a named nurse, to find out who your named nurse is please ring 01639 862801.
Need to find a local GP service? There’s a tool on the Health Board website that helps you do just that.
Support for autistic adults, and parent carers of autistic children, young people and adults.
Tel: 01639 862 936 (answer machine available)