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NPT – Counselling and Therapeutic Services

NPT School Based Counselling Service

Neath Port Talbot schools-based counselling service is currently offering support for:

  • Primary school pupils
  • Secondary school pupils

To access the service children and young people, their parents and carers can either do so by speaking to staff at their school or by using an online self referral form on the page below. Home educated children and young people can also use this form to access the service.

NPT School Based Counselling Service

NPT Mind – Active Monitoring

Neath Port Talbot MIND’s Active Monitoring is a 6-week self-help programme with individual support from a practitioner and a trusted adult for children and young people aged 11 and over.

Active Monitoring is where we look at some of the things that you are struggling with right now, and what we can do to make things feel better.

Sessions can take place in your school, if part of the school programme, or through Neath Port Talbot Mind online or in person at the London Road Hub.

To find out more contact:

Tel: 01639 643510

Email: info@nptmind.org.uk

NPT Mind’s Active Monitoring

Cruse Bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care Morgannwg offers support to children and young people following bereavement. This is offered through targeted information and advice, a dedicated website and helpline, one-to-one and group support.

Visit the website or call our helpline to access support:

Helpline: 0808 808 1677 

Email: morgannwg@cruse.org.uk

Visit Cruse

African Community Centre – Reach Me

Counselling and support for asylum-seeking, refugee and children and young people from ethnic backgrounds aged 3-18. Counselling support is also available to young carers of all ages from all ethnicities.

Email: info@Africancommunitycentre.org.uk

Tel: 01792 470298

Visit African Community Centre


When a family loses a child or a young adult the effects are devastating for all who knew and loved them.

Our mission is to ensure that all those affected by the sudden and traumatic death of a child or young adult aged 25 or under receive the bereavement support they deserve. Whether it was a recent or historic loss, we support:

  • Families
  • Individuals
  • Witnesses
  • Professionals

To get in touch:

Tel: 01443 853125

Email: info@2wish.org.uk

Visit 2wish

Cancer Information Support Service (CISS)

The Cancer Information and Support Services (CISS) offers support to anyone whose life has been affected by cancer.

The free, confidential listening and counselling service is available to anyone over 3 years of age, whether they are patients, relatives, friends or carers.

Tel: 01639 642333

Email: help@cancersupport.wales

Visit CISS

Kids Cancer Charity

We are a national charity supporting children with cancer and their families through their challenging journey. Our wish is for children affected by cancer and their families to not feel alone. We offer:

  • Free play therapy
  • Counselling
  • Bereavement group sessions

Tel: 01792 480500

Email: Enquiries@KidsCancerCharity.org

Visit Kids Cancer Charity

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)

RABI provides an online counselling/mental wellbeing platform for farming people of all ages. The service has two distinct sites:

Qwell.io/rabi for adults, which Kooth.com/rabi is specifically tailored to young person aged 11 to 17 years.

Both sites are free to use, and open to all in the the farming community in England and Wales.

Available 24/7

Counsellors available Monday to Friday from 12pm, and from 6pm to 10pm on weekends.

Visit Kooth/RABI

DPJ Foundation

The DPJ Foundation is a Welsh mental health charity to support those in agriculture and rural communities with mental health problems. Share the Load is our 24/7 confidential counselling referral service which operates specifically for those in the agricultural community. We provide the amount of sessions needed for the individual – this is not limited.

Get in touch on:

Tel: 0800 587 4262

Text: 07860 048799

DPJ Foundation


SilverCloud is a free online therapy which can be accessed without needing to go through a GP. It’s aimed at people aged 16 and over experiencing mild to moderate anxiety, depressions or stress. You can sign up for a 12-week course via smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Visit SilverCloud

New Pathways

We provide specialist support for adults, children and young people who have been affected by rape, sexual assault or abuse.

  • We offer face-to-face, online and telephone services.
  • We have centres for face-to-face services across south, west and mid-Wales.

Find out more by visiting the link below or contact us on:

Tel: 01792 966660

Email: enquiries@newpathways.org.uk

Visit New Pathways

Mental Health Matters Wales – SORTED Eating Disorders Peer Support Group

Mental Health Matters runs an online eating disorder support group called Share Our Recovery Through Eating Disorders (SORTED).

Check the link below or directly with us for days/times of the group.

Peer support group for those wanting to start their journey of recovery, this group offers support and guidance from people who have recovered.

Ages 17+

To find out more or register contact:

Email: sorted@mhmwales.org

Tel: 01656 76704501656 651450

MHM SORTED Support Group

Coping with Self-Harm

Mental Health Matters runs online Self-Harm Awareness, Recovery and Education (SHARE) groups.

Check the link below or with us directly for days/times of groups.

Start your journey to recovery. Learn distraction techniques and coping strategies that can help you to reduce self-harm in your own way.

Ages: 16+

Email: share@mhmwales.org (for details and meeting ID)

Tel: 01656 76704501656 651450

MHM SHARE Support Group

The Jac Lewis Foundation

The Jac Lewis Foundation has a number of different projects supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults across Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Ammanford.

  • Bereavement through Suicide Project
  • Swansea City Football Mental Health Hub
  • West Glamorgan Counselling Service
  • Youth Service Project

To find out more visit the link below or contact:

Tel: 03301 336510

Email: admin@jaclewisfoundation.co.uk

Visit The Jac Lewis Foundation