Feeling different?

Feeling different is often part of growing up. We come to realise that the way we look, behave, what we think and how we feel can be different to those around us. Examples could be our skin colour, religion, having a disability, being gay or transgender or simply just feeling as though you don’t fit in. Most people, if you asked them, would admit to feeling different at some point in their life.

Although it’s common, feeling different can impact the way you see yourself, and lead to feelings of loneliness or worry. People can also use your difference against you to hurt you. Help is at hand – click on the links below for organisations you can reach out to.

Your rights

Differences such as having a disability, your race, religion or sexual orientation are among what’s called ‘protected characteristics’. These, along with some other differences, are covered in The Equality Act 2010. This protects people with protected characteristics from being discriminated against (treated unfairly).

Local services

GoodVibes – LGBT Youth Group

Good Vibes is YMCA Swansea’s LGBT+ Youth Forum and supports young people 11-25 years.

Visit GoodVibes Facebook Page

Families First Youth Service – Neath Port Talbot

The Neath Port Talbot Youth Service Families First Team supports young people aged 11 – 25 years. One of their services is a LGBT support group.

Tel: 01639 686803

Email: spoc@npt.gov.uk

NPT Council


EYST supports BME young people, families and individuals including refugees and asylum-seekers in Wales.


Chinese in Wales

The Chinese in Wales Association (CIWA) is a charitable organisation which aims to deliver services that will make a positive difference to the lives of ethnic Chinese residents in Wales.

Chinese in Wales

Disabilities and additional needs

Do you have a disability or additional needs? tidyMinds have put together some useful information, including local services that can support you.

Additional Needs

National helplines and support

Childline – Discrimination

Discrimination and hate crime are against the law. If you’ve been treated differently, unfairly or have been hurt because of who you are, we’re here to help.


Childline – Racism

Here, Childline looks at the ways people may experience racism and racial bullying.


Childline – Disabilities

If you have a disability, you might have challenges that other young people don’t. Knowing your rights can help you deal with challenges such as discrimination. It’s also good to know how to get any support you might need.


LGBT Cymru Helpline & Counselling Service

The LGBT Cymru Helpline & Counselling Service is a free, professional and caring service for the LGBT+ community in Wales.

LGBT Cymru


Mermaids is a national charity supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse children, young people (up to their 20th birthday), as well as families and professionals involved in their care.


Understood by Us

Content from people who learn and think differently. Hear advice from people with ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, anxiety and more on how to thrive in school, work and life.

Understood by Us