Home » I’m a young person » Coping with common issues » Worried about things at home?

Worried about things at home?

  • Do you feel unsafe at home?
  • Are you or someone else hurt by a family member?
  • Do you have trouble controlling your anger? Are you sometimes violent towards others?
  • Do things happen in your family that you know aren’t right?

Knowing whether what’s happening is normal or not can be really confusing. If a grown-up threatens, hurts or bullies someone else in the family, it is not normal and is called domestic abuse. Knowing this can be hard to deal with but it’s important that you remember it is never your fault. Domestic abuse happens within the family. Relationship abuse is when your boyfriend or girlfriend is under 16 and doing things that would be considered abusive.

Or perhaps things get out of control sometimes, you find it hard to control your anger and can be violent towards members of your family or others?

Different forms of domestic abuse +

Domestic abuse (sometimes called domestic violence) can include:

  • Physical violence – such as hitting, kicking, pushing, punching or pulling hair.
  • Threatening behaviour – this could include threatening to hurt you, someone else in your family or even a pet. People may also threaten to do things such as refuse to pay for food or bills.
  • Sexual violence – this includes making another person do something sexually that they don’t want to do, or making them look at or watch sexual material in magazines, the internet or television.
  • Controlling someone’s money – this could include taking someone’s money, not allowing someone to spend their own money, or not providing enough money for basics such as food, clothing or items for babies.
  • Controlling someone’s life – this might include stopping someone from leaving the house or going to work or school. It can also include controlling who someone spends time with and who they can be friends with.
  • Cultural or ‘honour’ based violence – sometimes people can be hurt or punished for doing something that’s viewed as culturally unacceptable by a community or family. This can include being forced to marry someone (forced marriage).

Check out the tidyMinds ‘Different Ways Children and Young People can be Hurt or Abused’ page for more information.

Check out the TidyMinds ‘Different Ways Children and Young People can be Hurt or Abused’ page for more information.

National helplines


Online, on the phone, anytime.

For more information on:

  • Coping if you feel unsafe at home
  • Why don’t they leave?
  • How it can affect your family

Call: 0800 1111

Email a counsellor

Online chat available


Live Fear Free Helpline

Providing help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Tel: Freephone  0808 80 10 800

Text: 07860 077333

Live chat: Visit this page

Email: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales

All are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Live Fear Free


A helpline service for young people up to the age of 25 in Wales, 8am until midnight, 7 days a week.


Local support – Swansea

CHYPS – Swansea Women’s Aid

The children and young people’s service (CHYPS) offers support to 5 – 17 year olds in Swansea who’ve been affected by domestic abuse.

Services include:

  • One-to-one support
  • S.T.A.R. group work
  • S.T.A.R. club
  • Parenting workshops

Tel: 01792 644683

Email: swa@swanseawa.org.uk

Swansea Women’s Aid

Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop

The Swansea Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop is a place that you can come to for information, advice and support if you are affected by domestic abuse.

Tel: 01792 345751

Email: soss@storicymru.org.uk


Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop

Stori Cymru

Stori’s Children and Young People’s Support Workers assist young people who have are at risk of or have experienced domestic abuse. Visit the website to find out more.

Tel: 01792 34571

Email: verity.hayes@storicymru.org.uk


MAC (Media Academy Cymru)

Media Academy Cymru support children and young people aged 10-18 who may be engaged in challenging behaviours, across the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot area. Our tailored support programs and interventions include:

  • Braver Choices – 1:1 Intervention for young people engaged with weapons
  • Cerridwen – Young people experiencing violence
  • Delivering Resilience – 1:1 Case management for children at risk of criminal exploitation
  • Parallel Lives – Adolescent to parent violence
  • Workshops – For young people, schools/colleges and youth clubs

To find out more visit our website. To refer in to any of our programmes:

Tel: 02920 667668

Email: swansea@mediaacademycymru.wales


Local support – Neath Port Talbot

Thrive Women’s Aid – Neath Port Talbot

For 40 years, Thrive Women’s Aid has provided a haven for women, children and young people in Neath Port Talbot, helping them rebuild their lives and regain their independence in safe communities.

Contact us for help, information and advice.

Tel: 01639 894864

Email: info@thrivewa.org.uk

Thrive Women’s Aid

Calan DVS – Neath Port Talbot

One of the largest domestic abuse charities in Wales, Calan DVS takes a whole family approach. They provide trauma informed programmes and also a specific programme and community service for female and male victims of domestic abuse. 

Contact us for help or further information:

Tel: 01639 633 580

Email: enquiries@calandvs.org.uk

Calan DVS

Useful links & resources

The Hideout

Women’s Aid have created this space to help children and young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.


Visit the Hideout

Over 18?

If you’re over 18 and were hurt or abused as a child, or if the abuse is still happening, click on the link below for info and support available to you.

Learn More